Dr. Z.A. HoitherBinod Kumar2024-06-052024-06-051992https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810209664Finger millet (leusine gernonne Geertn.) is the principal smell millet species grown in Africa and South Asia, Providing food for millions of rural people in the countries of this region. In spite of this, not much attention has been pold by the scientists on this important poor man's cereal. Artificial hybridization and recombination breeding for varietal improvement in finger millet could not be taken up in a big way, because of its small floret size. Neither has this crop been subjected to any induced mutational studies for improving its quality or productivity. In the present study, dry and dormant seeds of two varieties of finger millet, viz., A-404 and IR-374 were treated with different doses of gamme rays (10 KR, 20 KR, 30 ER, 40 KR and 50 10, EMS (0.25, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.85 and 16 v/v) and gam rays plus EMS combination (10 R+ 0.2%, 20 KR +0.2%, 30 KR + 0.2%, 40 KR 0.2%, 50 +0.2%) and studies were made in 1½ and ½ generations. In My generation, germination of seeds were found to have been reduced in treated lines, shoving a linear reverse relation between doses and germination percentage. Variety A-404 Droved to be more sensitive to gamma rays, EMS and their combined treatments then the variety HR-374. The seedling survival percentage in both the varieties also decreased with increase in mutagenic dose.EnglishMutagenic Response of Finger Millet ( Elau Coracana Gaertan . ) to Gamma rays , Ems And Their Combined TreatmentsThesis