Desai, Dr.U.TKale, Dr.P.NDeore, Prof.B.BMusmade, Prof.A.NKshirsagar, Dnyaneshwar B2017-03-042017-03-041993-06-02 present investigation, laid out in RBD, was undertaken during summer season of 1991 with three replications and 16 treatments comprising of 15 growth regulators treatments U00, 200 and 300 ppm Ethrel; 100, 150 and 200 ppm NAA; 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm Cycocel; 5, 15 and 2 5 ppm GA; and 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm Alar) and the control. The growth regulators were sprayed at 2- and 4-true leaf stages. The findings reveal that Ethrel, NAA, Cycocel and Alar significantly reduced the length of main vine while it was increased with GA treatments. Number of nodes on main vine were not affected by different chemicals, except by NAA wherein the number of nodes on main vine were increased. Amongst all the growth regulators tried, the number of branches are Increased only by Ethrel treatments. Ethrel, NAA and Cycocel induced early cropping as evidenced by less days required for induction of first female flower, lowered node number of first female flower first and the increased node number of/male flower. Ethrel treatments significantly lowered the sex ratio (1.38 to 1.72) followed by NAA (3.67 to 5.01), Cycocel (4.91 to 5.49) and Alar (5.56 to 6.80) over the control (9.0). Except GA, all chemicals increased female flowers and reduced male flowers. GA produced more number of male flowers and reduced female flowers per vine and significantly increased sex ratio. The vine productivity in terms of number of fruits set, total number of fruits harvested, marketable fruits and yield was increased only by Ethrel treatments. None of the growth regulator treatments deviated significantly from the control in respect of fruit characters. None of the chemical had phytotoxic effects. The overall results indicated that, 100 ppm Ethrel was the best treatment which significantly increased the number of marketable fruits and yield, and had no significant deleterious effect on fruit quality.ennullEFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS OB SEX EXPRESSION AND YIELD IN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) CV. HIMANGIThesis