Mehta, H. M.Patel, Kamlesh K.2018-05-112018-05-111991 investigation was carried out in 1990 with a view to substituting a part of chemical fertilizers by, 'Endo' Azotobacter,Azospirillum and Pseudomonas on loamy sand soil at College Agronomy Farm, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand,Gujarat state. Sixteen treatment combinations were tried under the said investigation. Treatments tried were recommended dose of N,P,K; 75% N of recommended dose with full P and K; 75% P of recommended dose with full N and K; and N0P0K0. These chemical fertilizer combinations were tried with or without inoculation of biofertilizers i.e. 'Endo' Azotobacter, Azospirilium and Pseudomonas. Germination per cent was significantly higher under the treatment involving the setts treated with -Endo' Azotobsotsr coupled With soil application of recommended dose of chemical fertilisers. Soil drenching of psuedomonas with recommended dose of nitrogen and potash as well as 75% phosphorus of recommended rate was at par with this treatment in this respect at the seventh week of planting. Tillering habit remained unaffected by different treatments. Likewise, different combinations of fertilizer failed to exert significant effect on total plant height at harvesting stage. Whereas, various treatments succeeded in exhibiting significant differences in millable cane height. The maximum millable cane height was recorded when crop was grown by treating setts with Endo'Azotobacter alone.It was significantly higher than that of the treatments recommended dose ,75% N and full P and K with or without Azospirillum and absolute control. Number of node was significantly affected by various treatments. The setts treated with Endo'Azotobacter coupled with application of fertilizers at recommended dose to soil gave the highest number of node per cane at harvest. The said treatment gave significantly higher number of nodes per cane than that of the treatments recommended dose , 75% N and full P as well as K with or without sett treatment of 'Endo' Azotobacter or Azospirillum and absolute control. Diameter of node was significantly influenced by various treatments. Psuedomonas treated setts coupled with soil application of recommended dose of nitrogen as well as potash and reduced dose of phosphorus recorded maximum diameter of node. It was significantly higher than that of the treatments recommended dose ,A20spirillujD coupled with recommended dose,'Endo' Azotobacter or Azospirillum coupled with 75% N and full P and K, 'Endo' Azotobacter and Azospirillum alone and absolute control. Different combinations significantly influenced cane yield. The setts treated with "Endo' Azotobacter coupled with chemical fertilizers at recommended dose gave maximum cane yield. It was closely followed by the treatment 'Endo' Azotobacter coupled with 75% N and full dose of P and K. Various treatments failed to exhibit differences in quality parameters of cane juice except c.c.s. (t/ha). 'Endo' Azotobacter treated setts coupled with recommended dose of fertilizers recorded maximum c.c.s. (t/ha) for the reason that the said treatment gave maximum cane yield. "Endo' Azotobacter treated setts coupled with 75% N and full P and K which was the second highest in cane yield also remained on same position in c.c.s. (t/ha). As to the treatment effects on soil fertility status, it was observed that there was significant difference only in nitrogen status of soil after harvest of the crop.The highest nitrogen per cent was recorded under the treatment involving "Endo' Azotobacter treated setts with recommended dose of chemical fertilizers. The increase in nitrogen status so recorded was on account of the fact that 'Endo' Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil. As to cost benefit ratio, the treatments involving 'Endo' Azotobacter treated setts coupled with recommended dose or reduced dose of N with full dose of E' and K or without chemical fertilizers gave more or less similar cost benefit ratios which were proved to be more economical. The highest net profit (Rs. 12841.2) was given by the treatment involving the setts treated with 'Endo' Azotobacter coupled with recommended dose of fertilizers.ennullA STUDYEFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF SUGARCANEThesis