Sharma, SukhdevKAMBOJ, HIMANSHU2022-02-072022-02-072021-09-30 present study on “Management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee in Kullu valley of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out during Kharif 2020 at Hill Agricultural Research and Extension Centre (HAREC), Bajaura (1090m a s l) of Kullu district. Traps were installed to find out peak emergence period of brinjal shoot and fruit borer adult population and it was observed that the peak emergence period in light trap was from 29th to 34th standard meteorological week. On the other hand in pheromone trap the peak emergence was from 28th to 31st standard meteorological week. Comparison between the mean number of moths captured in light and pheromone trap revealed that the moths catch in the former case was higher (9.59) than the latter case (3.54). The evening relative humidity showed a significant positive correlation with the adult emergence in the light trap with correlation coefficient of 0.781. Early transplanting of the brinjal crop resulted in the reduced incidence of the L.orbonalis. The crop transplanted on 15th of May resulted in the lowest mean shoot infestation (9.87 per cent), fruit infestation on number basis (9.66 per cent) as well as on weight basis (8.83 per cent). On the other hand crop transplanted on 15th of June resulted in highest mean shoot infestation (13.33 per cent), fruit infestation on number basis (21.71 per cent) as well as on weight basis (19.91 per cent). A treatment consisting of lambdacyhalothrin 5EC @ 0.004% followed by quinalphos 25 EC @ 0.05% after 15 days of first spray followed by lambda-cyhalothrin 5EC @ 0.004% after 15 days of second spray was found to be the most effective with mean shoot infestation of 7.05 per cent and fruit infestation of 8.41 per cent on number basis and 7.68 per cent on weight basis. This treatment resulted in the highest marketable yield of 257.70 q/ha and was the most economic with the highest net returns (12.61) per rupees investedEnglishManagement of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee in Kullu valley of Himachal PradeshThesis