Dr. M. H. SapovadiyaGUNDARIYA YASHKUMAR DINKARRAY20101210252024-01-032024-01-032023-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205600The present investigation conducted at the Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during kharif 2022 with an aim to study the effect of pollination time and crossing ratio on seed yield per plant, its components and seed quality parameters of cotton cv. G.cot.Hy. – 24 BG – II (Gujarat Cotton Hybrid – 24). The experiment was laid out in field as per Randomized Block Design (Factorial) with three replications. The characters viz., number of crossed flowers per plant, number of crossed bolls retain per plant, boll set (%), boll weight (g), number of seeds per boll, total cotton seed weight per boll (g), seed yield per plant (g) and 100 seed weight (g) were recorded as field observations and analyzed. The laboratory study was carried out in the laboratory of Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The characters viz., seed germination (%), seedling length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg), seedling vigour index 1 (length) and seedling vigour index II (mass) were recorded from the seeds harvested from different combinations of treatments evaluated in laboratory and analyzed as per the Completely Randomized Design (Factorial). The analysis of variance for seed yield per plant, its components and different seed quality parameters revealed that different pollination time and crossing ratio treatments manifested significant differences for seed yield per plant, its component traits and all the seed quality parameters studied. Mean squares due to interaction effects of pollination time and crossing ratio was found significant difference for seed yield per plant, its components and different seed quality parameters except for 100 seed weight. The experimental result revealed that irrespective of crossing ratio, the pollination carried out between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (P3) recorded significantly the maximum crossed bolls retain per plant (17.60), boll set (76.57 %), boll weight (3.26 g), number of seed per boll (23.60), total cotton seed weight per boll (1.88 g), seed yield per plant (22.09 g) and 100 seed weight (7.47 g) and also seed quality parameters viz., highest seed germination (80.74 %), seedling length (9.72 cm), seedling dry weight (14.70 mg), seedling vigour index I (length) (791.60) and seedling vigour index II (mass) (1201.07). Irrespective of pollination time, the crossing ratio in which two female flower buds are pollinated by one male flower (C1) recorded significantly maximum number of crossed bolls retain per plant (16.14), boll set (80.43 %), boll weight (3.32 g), number of seeds per boll (23.59), total cotton seed weight per boll (1.98 g), seed yield per plant (19.95 g) and 100 seed weight (7.63 g) as well as seed quality parameters viz., highest seed germination (84.61 %), seedling length (10.73 cm), seedling dry weight (16.71 mg), seedling vigour index I (length) (910.14) and seedling vigour index II (mass) (1417.73). Among interaction effect of pollination time and crossing ratio, the treatment combination P3 x C1 (pollination performed between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and two female flower buds are pollinated by one male flower) was noticed maximum number of crossed bolls retain per plant (18.34), boll set (81.26 %), boll weight (3.55 g), number of seeds per boll (24.64), total cotton seed weight per boll (2.27 g). seed yield per plant (24.23 g) and 100 seed weight (7.76 g) and also seed quality parameters recorded maximum seed germination (87.51 %), seedling length (12.08 cm), seedling dry weight (18.36 mg). seedling vigour index 1 (length) (1056.84) and seedling vigour index II (mass) (1607.30) Overall, looking to the result, it could be suggested that during the hybrid seed production programme of cotton cv. G.cot.Hy. – 24 – BG II under south saurashtra condition for getting higher seed yield and good quality seed, the hand pollination of emasculated flower buds should be carried out between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and two female flower buds could be pollinated by one male flower as it leads to maximum boll set (%) along with higher boll weight (g), more seeds per boll and seed yield per boll as well as good germination per cent.EnglishEFFECT OF POLLINATION TIME AND CROSSING RATIO ON HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION OF AMERICAN COTTON [(Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. G.COT.HY. – 24 – BG – II] 3744Thesis