M.A., SURYANARAYANAT. N., RANJINIK., UMESHAT., VASANTHA KUMARK., BHANU PRAKASHR., VENUGOPALANA.P., MALLIKARJUNA GOWDA2020-11-062020-11-062014-06UHS12PGM283https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810154633Indian myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) is an important medicinal tree, grows naturally throughout India. It is a highly traded medicinal plant sourced from the wild used for treating number of human ailments in Indian system of medicines. There is urgent need to develop improved varieties and cultivation practices. In the present study 12 Terminalia chebula accessions were characterized through morphological, biochemical and molecular markers and standardized the protocol for enhancing seed germination. In morphological study, accession IIHRTc12 was found superior with respect to tree height, canopy spread and clear bole height. Accession IIHRTc10 recorded highest leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, fruit size, fruit volume, fruit weight, husk weight, endocarp weight and kernel weight. Biochemical characterization of 12 accessions using protein profile resulted 151 polypeptide bands, in which 97 monomorphic and 54 bands were polymorphic in nature. Percentage polymorphism observed was 35.7%. Esterase profile also showed variation among 12 accessions. Accessions IIHRTc6 and IIHRTc7 recoded highest chebulagic and chebulinic acid content of 21.10% and 9.59% respectively. In molecular diversity study 8 arbitrary oligoncleotide primers produced 482 amplicons out of which 314 were polymorphic. Twelve accessions under study differed from each other in dendrogram generated by using amplicon patterns of decamers. IIHRTc7 out groped in the dendrogram with 55% similarity. IIHRTc10 and IIHRTc12 are closely related accessions with more than 75% similarity. Among the pre sowing treatments, endocarps clipped on both the ends resulted the higher germination. Maximum germination was observed in IIHRTc12 (50%) with improvement in the seedling characters studied.EnglishCHARACTERIZATION AND SEED GERMINATION STUDIES IN INDIAN MYROBALAN (Terminalia chebula Retz.)Thesis