Devakumar, A. S.DIKSHA SAH2018-04-162018-04-162017-07-25Th-11672 climate change has emerged as the most prominent environmental issue all over the world which need immediate attention to prevent further deterioration of the environment. It is also one of the biggest developmental challenge of the present time due to its influences on the focal possibilities for sustainable development. The effects of climate change is already felt all over the world, in diverse forms ranging from shifting weather patterns, receding glaciers, crop losses, altered distribution of precipitation, increased frequency and intensities of floods and droughts, and serious ecological imbalances. All these changes have severe ramification on economic growth. Major cause of climate change is increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.ennullESTIMATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT IN CULTIVATION OF MAJOR AGRICULTURE CROPS IN INDIAThesis