SHARMA, RAJENDERCHANDI, ROHIT2020-01-092020-01-092019-12 The present investigations entitled “Studies on the effect of training systems and fruit load on seed production of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were carried out with cv. Solan Bharpur”. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (Factorial) in the field and in Completely Randomized Block Design (Factorial) in Laboratory of the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2018-2019. There were twelve treatment combinations comprising of three training systems (Tr) viz., no training (Tr1), two stem training (Tr2) and four stem training (Tr3), and four fruit loads viz., retaining all fruits (FL1), retaining ten fruits (FL2), retaining twelve fruits (FL3) and retaining fourteen fruits (FL4) plant-1. The observations were recorded in the field on plant height (cm), days to ripe fruit harvest, ripe fruit weight (g), ripe fruit length (cm), ripe fruit width (cm), number of ripe fruits plant-1, harvest duration (days), ripe fruit yield plant-1(kg), number of seeds fruit-1, seed yield plant-1 (g), seed yield plot-1 (g) and seed yield ha-1(kg). On the other hand, the observations recorded in laboratory were 1000 seed weight (g), germination (%), speed of germination, seed vigour index-I, seed vigour index-II and electrical conductivity of seed (dSm-1). From the present investigations, it was concluded that the treatment combination Tr2FL2 proved superior in terms of ripe fruit weight (66.65g), ripe fruit length (6.56 cm), ripe fruit width (5.05 cm), number of seeds fruit-1 (187.77), 1000 seed weight (6.21 g), germination (96.50%), speed of germination (15.95), seed vigour index-I (1448.30), seed vigour index-II (284.77) and electrical conductivity of seeds (0.060 dSm-1). Therefore, two stem training system in combination with ten fruits i.e. Tr2FL2 can be recommended for quality seed production of bell pepper after multi-location testing.ennullSTUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF TRAINING SYSTEMS AND FRUIT LOAD ON SEED PRODUCTION OF BELL PEPPER (Capsicum annuum L.)Thesis