Raj KumarSaini, Rohit2017-09-282017-09-282017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810031930Indian agriculture has been completely transformed from subsistence farming to a business entity and Punjab is central point of this transformation. Farming as a business requires constant investment. To study the investment pattern on Punjab farms, a sample of 150 farmers was taken and 23, 28, 46, 43 and 10 farmers were selected from marginal, small, semi-medium, medium and large farm size categories respectively on the basis of the probability proportion to size (PPS). All the farm assets on which the farmers have invested and various factors which affected farm investment were worked-out. The items of investment in agriculture were broadly classified under machinery and implements, farm buildings, irrigation structures and livestock inventory. It was found that the larger share of investment was made in machinery and implements (44.05%) followed by farm buildings (22.58%), livestock inventory (20.81%) and irrigation structures (12.55%). In machinery and implements, tractors were the main item of investment with 57.63 per cent share. It was found that in different farm size categories investment per farm increases with the increase in farm size but investment per hectare decreases as the farm size increases. Therefore, it was suggested that the farmers should opt for collective farming and the government may setup more cooperative agro service centers to decrease investment per hectare. From the regression analysis, it was found that operational holding of the farmers; annual savings of the farm households and credit availability have positive relation with the farm investment. The role of institutional and non-institutional sources in farm investment was also analyzed. The share of borrowed funds in total investment was 43.19 per cent. In total credit, share of institutional and non-institutional credit was 65.98 and 34.02 per cent respectively. Considering the significant role of non-institutional credit sources, it was suggested that government may regularized working of non-institutional credit agencies so that government can keep check on their working.ennullAn economic analysis of investment pattern on Punjab farmsThesis