Bains, GurdeepAnsari, Sadaf2018-06-232018-06-232017-07 (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major staple foods which feed half the world’s population. Asia accounts for over 90% of the world’s production of rice. As the world’s population is increasing, more rice production will be required so there is a challenge to increase yield of rice. The rise of global temperature is affecting the growth and productivity of rice crop. Flowering and seed development stages of rice crop are sensitive to high temperature stress and produce sterile spikelets, unfilled and chalky grains which decrease the quantity and quality of rice seeds. To evaluate physiological and biochemical response of different rice genotype under high temperature stress, the field experiment was conducted in Norman E., Bourlog Crop Research Centre, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar during Kharif season 2016 with 32 rice genotypes namely IET 24053, IET 24705, IET 24796, IET24040, Gontra Bidhan-3(NC), IET 24798, IET 24708, US 314 (HC), Sahbhagidhan, IET 24797, IET 23356, IET 23947, NH-210, NH-219, NH-363, 142(S), 175-2 (K), S-458, 377-24, DRR Dhan-43, NDR-97, Luit, PR-124, Somali, GQ-25, IR-82635-B-B-47-1, MRC-603-383, IR-55178, SG-26120, IR-82310-B-B67-2, IET 23354 and IET 23996.These genotypes were transplanted into 2 blocks, one for control and another for imposing high temperature stress by a poly sheet tunnel supported by bamboo sticks and both the ends of the poly sheet tunnel were open for ventilation. High temperature stress treatment was given at the time of flowering. A thermometer was fixed to record the daily maximum and minimum temperature inside the poly sheet tunnel. Under high temperature stress condition, different physiological and biochemical parameters were recorded from vegetative to harvesting stages. At flowering, plant height was increased whereas tiller numbers decreased, while at flowering and maturity stage total chlorophyll content, chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’, leaf weight, stem weight, leaf area index, shoot weight, total dry matter, panicle weight, panicle number / m2, grain yield, 1000 grain weight, harvest index (%), grain number / panicle, spikelet number / panicle, grain number / m2 and spikelet number / m2 was decreased in most of the rice genotypes among all 32 genotypes. Protein content, carbohydrate content, amylose content decreased but phenol content increased in response to high temperature stress in different 10 rice genotypes. Under control as well as high temperature stress condition, the genotype IR-82310-B-B67-2 was concluded as more tolerant towards the high temperature stress in compared to other genotypes because it showed significant enhancement in grain yield, 1000 grain weight, HI (%), amylose content, carbohydrate content, protein content and phenol content. So this temperature tolerant rice genotype can be further explored for the molecular mechanism, responsible for heat tolerance and for better yield production of rice crop. However, genotype NH-219 was very sensitive towards the high temperature stress in compared to control and other rice genotypes.ennullPhysiological and biochemical parameters for tolerance to high temperature in some rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypesThesis