Dr. R. PURNIMA MISHRAJYOTHI K2019-09-112019-09-112017-07-15Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810127394A field experiment was undertaken to estimate the genetic variability, divergence studies and to know correlation and path analysisin coriander. Thirty five genotypes were sown in a Randomized Block Design with three replications during rabi 2016-17 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The objective of the experiment was to study genetic divergence, variability and also to know correlation among genotypes to use as donor parents in hybridization programmes. The analysis of variance of RBD revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the 23 characters studied. The D2 analysis was carried out for twenty three characters which partitioned the thirty five genotypes into seven clusters. The maximum divergence was observed between cluster VI and IV indicating that the genotype of these cluster are highly divergent. Number of umbels per plant at 60 DAS had more contribution to total divergence. Hence selection of genotype from cluster VI and IV based on number of umbels per plant at 60 DASmay be chosen in hybridization programme for getting good seggregants. High PCV and GCV were recorded in umbels plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), umbellets umbel-1 at 60 DAS, number of seeds umbellet-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seed yield plant-1 and seed yield hectare-1 indicating the existence of wider genetic variability for these traits in the genotypes under study and showing ample scope for selection of these characters. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed in plant height at 60 DAS, number of leaves (60 DAS and at harvest), primary branches plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest, secondary branches plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), number of umbels plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest). Number of umbellets plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seeds umbellet-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seed yield plant-1, seed yield hectare-1 and harvest index indicating contribution of additive gene effects in the expression of these traits. Therefore improvement can be done through direct selection to select better genotypes for coriander. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed highly significant positive association of days to harvest index, seed yield hectare-1,seed umbellet-1, umbellet umbel-1, umbels plant-1, number of primary branches and secondary branches, number of leaves, plant height registered a positive and significant correlation at both phenotypic and genotypic levels with seed yield plant-1 signifying the importance of these traits in selection for yield and can be identified as yield attributing characters. Path coefficient analysis showed that the character, plant height at harvest, number of leaves at harvest, days to first flowering, umbellets plant-1 at 60 DAS, number of umbelletsumbel-1at 60 DAS, seeds umbellet-1 at 60 DAS and seed yield per hectare exhibited high positive direct selection based on these trait will be rewarding for yield improvement. In conclusion, IC-512365, IC-424455, IC- 553117and IC- 421974 for different growth components and for early yield IC-574534 were found superior genotypes and these can be used in different breeding programme for the development of superior coriander varieties for commercial cultivation.A field experiment was undertaken to estimate the genetic variability, divergence studies and to know correlation and path analysisin coriander. Thirty five genotypes were sown in a Randomized Block Design with three replications during rabi 2016-17 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The objective of the experiment was to study genetic divergence, variability and also to know correlation among genotypes to use as donor parents in hybridization programmes. The analysis of variance of RBD revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the 23 characters studied. The D2 analysis was carried out for twenty three characters which partitioned the thirty five genotypes into seven clusters. The maximum divergence was observed between cluster VI and IV indicating that the genotype of these cluster are highly divergent. Number of umbels per plant at 60 DAS had more contribution to total divergence. Hence selection of genotype from cluster VI and IV based on number of umbels per plant at 60 DASmay be chosen in hybridization programme for getting good seggregants. High PCV and GCV were recorded in umbels plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), umbellets umbel-1 at 60 DAS, number of seeds umbellet-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seed yield plant-1 and seed yield hectare-1 indicating the existence of wider genetic variability for these traits in the genotypes under study and showing ample scope for selection of these characters. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed in plant height at 60 DAS, number of leaves (60 DAS and at harvest), primary branches plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest, secondary branches plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), number of umbels plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest). Number of umbellets plant-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seeds umbellet-1 (60 DAS and at harvest), seed yield plant-1, seed yield hectare-1 and harvest index indicating contribution of additive gene effects in the expression of these traits. Therefore improvement can be done through direct selection to select better genotypes for coriander. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed highly significant positive association of days to harvest index, seed yield hectare-1,seed umbellet-1, umbellet umbel-1, umbels plant-1, number of primary branches and secondary branches, number of leaves, plant height registered a positive and significant correlation at both phenotypic and genotypic levels with seed yield plant-1 signifying the importance of these traits in selection for yield and can be identified as yield attributing characters. Path coefficient analysis showed that the character, plant height at harvest, number of leaves at harvest, days to first flowering, umbellets plant-1 at 60 DAS, number of umbelletsumbel-1at 60 DAS, seeds umbellet-1 at 60 DAS and seed yield per hectare exhibited high positive direct selection based on these trait will be rewarding for yield improvement. In conclusion, IC-512365, IC-424455, IC- 553117and IC- 421974 for different growth components and for early yield IC-574534 were found superior genotypes and these can be used in different breeding programme for the development of superior coriander varieties for commercial cultivation.ennullGENETIC DIVERGENCE FOR YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS IN INDIGENOUS COLLECTION OF CORIANDER (Coriandrumsativum L.) GERMPLASMThesis