Dr. Anil Kumar VermaRajesh kumar2024-07-062024-07-061999https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211533Oilseeds occupy a position next to cereals in our nation and Brassica Juncea L.has a definite identity among the oilseed crops. In view of the important of this crop, mutation breeding was resorted to taking two stable varities varuna and BR -40.For assessing the extent of variability, heritability genetic advance and gentic divergence 23 mutant lines of varuna and 13 lines of Br-40 were raised in M3 generation during rabi 1997-98 in RBD with three replications. The eight metic traits included days to first flowering plant height primary and secondry branches seed per siliqua siliquae per plant days to maturity and yield per plant. Phenotypic co-efficient of variation were high for secondary branched siliquae per plant and yield/plant in both the varieties whears genotypic coeffecent of variation was high to moderate for all these characters. High heritability accompanied by high genetic advance was obtained for secondary branches in both the varieties.While varuna showed high heritability for siliquae /plant and days to maturity also. The yield per plant in varuna had significant positive correlaltion with plant hight primary branched secondry branches , silliquae /plant and seeds/siliqua while in BR -40, it had significant positive correlation with seeds silique and days to maturity. It is apparent from the path analysis that days to first flowering had positive direct effect on yield as well as inBR-40. The highest D2 value between VM16 and VM18 in varuna and between BM3 and BM13 in BR -40 showed high genetic divergence between these mutant lines.The contribution of secondary branches yield/ plant days to maturity and siliquae /plant remained to the tune of 72.47 per plant of total divergence in varuna mutants ,whereas secondary branches plant height and days to first flowering contributed 71.43 per cent of total divergence in BR -40 mutants. The intra- cluster group mean showed cluster IV and V as more divergent than other in varuna wheras cluster 11 and 1v remeind more divergent in BR-40 .The characters respon slible for differentiation were mainly plant height primary and secondry branches siliqluae / plant and seed / silique.EnglishVariability and Correlation Studies in Some Brassica Juncea MutantsThesis