Kaur, AmarjeetSuresh Rajabhau, Bhise2017-05-032017-05-032014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810010463Present study was carried out on the texturization, functional properties and utilization of proteins from plant sources in cereal product. Sunflower (PSH 569), soybean (SL 744), flaxseed (LC 2063), wheat (PBW 621) and maize (PMH 1) were used as raw materials. Grains were analyzed for physicochemical properties. Wheat and maize were milled into whole meal. Oil was extracted from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed and meal was dried and milled into suitable particle size flour. Texturization was done by extrusion (Clextral BC 21 twin screw extruder) after optimizing the independent variables using response surface methodology (RSM). Best extrusion conditions for sunflower meal were 14 per cent feed moisture, 300 rpm screw speed and 180oC barrel temperature, for soybean meal were 18.75 per cent feed moisture, 500 rpm screw speed and 180oC barrel temperature and for flaxseed meal were 17.08 per cent feed moisture, 317.84 rpm screw speed and 175.50oC barrel temperature, respectively. After texturization percent reduction in trypsin inhibitor activity of soybean meal and chlorogenic acid of sunflower meal were 98.73 per cent and 96.54 per cent, respectively as compared to control. Texturized defatted meals of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed prepared using extrusion technology were incorporated at 10 per cent, 20 per cent, 30 per cent and 40 per cent in noodle, cookie, chapatti and snack making. Products were evaluated for chemical composition, color, functional, textural and sensory properties. Spread ratio, color, sensory quality and overall acceptability of cookies were negatively affected with increased level of texturized flour as compared with the control. The force required for breaking cookies and noodles decreased while increased for chapatti and snacks with increased level of incorporation of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed. Sensory properties, color and overall acceptability of chapattis and snacks were negatively affected with increased level of incorporation of texturized sunflower, soybean and flaxseed flour as compared with the control. Noodles prepared with 20 percent soybean meal, 10 per cent sunflower meal and 10 per cent flaxseed meal were found best. Cookies, chapattis and snacks prepared with 10 per cent texturized soybean, sunflower and flaxseed meals were found best. Percent increase in protein content was 122.86 per cent for sunflower, 37.54 per cent for soybean and 90.24 per cent for flaxseed defatted meal as compared to raw. Protein digestibility of texturized defatted meal and products prepared after incorporation of texturized defatted sunflower, soybean and flaxseed meal improved as compared to control. It was concluded that texturized defatted sunflower, soybean and flaxseed meal can be added as source of nutrition in commonly consumed foods such as noodles, cookies, chapattis and snack foods.ennullTEXTURIZATION, FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES AND UTILIZATION OF PROTEINS FROM PLANT SOURCES IN CEREAL PRODUCTSThesis