Dr. Nagarajappa AdivapparPRASHANT R. NAIKDr. Srinivasa, V2020-06-222020-06-222017-07-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147856The present investigation on heterosis and combining ability studies in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was undertaken at ZAHRS, Navile, Shivamogga, Karnataka during kharif and rabi seasons of year 2016-17. The diversed group of 12 genotypes (nine lines and three testers) of cucumber and two check cultivars (Poinsette and Malini) were used to fulfil the objective such as to estimate the general combining ability (gca) and specific combining ability (sca) magnitude and direction of heterosis for yield and yield attributing traits, to identify the highly heterotic combinations. A total of 27 crosses were developed by crossing with nine lines three testers. All the crosses were evaluated along with the parents in randomized block design with two replications. The magnitude of heterosis over the standard checks (Poinsette and Malini) for important traits viz., days to first female flower appearance ranged from -7.80 to 13.65 and -1.49 to 21.43 per cent, for node at which first female flower appearance -28.83 to 46.34 and -31.82 to 36.36 per cent, for number of fruits per vine -33.64 to 48.85 and -36.52 to 40.43, for yield per vine -18.36 to 20.47 and -28.76 to 5.12 per cent. The parents Himangi, US-640, DWD and Haveri Local are the good general combiners while, DWD × Haveri Local, US-640 × Haveri Local and Sabra × Bagalkot Local exhibited the significant positive sca effect for yield attributing traits. The predominance of sca effect over gca effect for yield indicate the predominance of non-additive gene action. The present study revealed that heterosis breeding is useful for the improvement of cucumber for exploitation of additive or non-additive gene action.ennullASSESSMENT OF COMBINING ABILITY OF CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) GERMPLASM FOR EXPLOITING HETEROSISThesis