Kharb, PushpaParveen2016-11-262016-11-262006 were conducted to transfer the Amarantus seed albumin gene, AmA1, driven by CaMV35S promoter in indica rice variety HKR46 by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The japonica rice variety TNG67 was also used as control for transformation. During the present investigation, 15-18 days old calli initiated from mature seed scutella and immature embryos on modified MS medium were used. The calli were co-cultivated for 10 minutes in liquid co-cultivation medium with Agrobacterium strain EHA105 (pSB8) and then transferred onto the solidified co-cultivation medium for two days. After two days the co-cultivated calli were transferred onto selection medium containing kanamycin/paromomycin (50 mg/l) for 2-3 cycles of selection of 15 days each. A total of 13/1717 and 103/278 calli of HKR46 and TNG67 respectively showed sustained proliferation in the selection medium. The putatively transformed calli were then transferred onto regeneration medium. No shoot regeneration was obtained in case of indica rice variety HKR46. However, eight of the putatively transformed calli of TNG67 regenerated shoots; but all of these shoots were albino. The study shows an urgent need of developing an efficient protocol for high frequency green plant regeneration/genetic transformation in indica rice varieties.enAgrobacterium mediated transformation of indica rice variety HKR46 with amaranthus seed albumin gene, AmA1Thesis