Sangwan, SheelaKashyap, Isha2016-09-092016-09-092013 present investigation was conducted in Hisar city of Haryana state. Fifty boys and fifty girls in the age group of 8-10 years were selected from Government High School of Mayar village. In the same way, hundred children, fifty boys and fifty girls were selected from the Campus school, CCS HAU, of Hisar city. Results revealed that there were significant differences in urban and rural children’s temperament but there were no gender differences in temperamental dimensions. Urban males were more emotional and distractible than females but rural female were more rhythimic than males. On the basis of developments of children, urban children were more social and emotional than rural children. Males were more physically active than females, but females were high in intellectual development performance than males. Results also revealed that physical and social and emotional developments of children were positively and significantly correlated with all the temperamental dimensions. Sociability, emotionality and energy dimensions of temperament were significantly associated with area, caste, parental education and income of the family. There was significant association of social and emotional development of children with area, caste, ordinal position, parental education and occupation and income of the family.enTemperamental dimensions, Physical development, Social and emotional developmentTemperament and developmental domains of childrenThesis