A. SAHADEVKARTHIK, K.V.2023-12-302023-12-302022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205163The study was carried out in 37 (21 male and 16 female) dogs with an objective to record relative efficacies of various methods to ascertain whether are sterilized or not. Based on different diagnostic methods viz., history and clinical signs, physical examination and ultrasonography, the dogs were categorized into four groups. Group I - gonadectomized dogs (n=10; Male 5 & Female 5), Group II - intact dogs before and after gonadectomy (n=16; Male 8 & Female 8), Group III - dogs with ovarian remnant syndrome (n=3) and Group IV - dogs with either unilateral/bilateral cryptorchidism (n=8). All the dogs were subjected to serum AMH estimation. The mean AMH level in intact male dogs, castrated and cryptorchid dogs was 16.20 ± 1.44, 0.57 ± 0.06 and 24.90 ± 0.79 ng/mL, respectively. The mean AMH value was 5.14 ± 0.54, 3.20 ± 1.54 and 0.26 ± 0.02 ng/mL in intact female, ORS and spayed dogs, respectively. Relative efficacy of other methods was compared to ascertain the gonadectomy status by considering AMH as the standard. The relative efficacy based on history and clinical signs was 85.71% (male) and 100% (female), on physical examination was 61.90% (male) and 43.75% (female), whereas with transabdominal ultrasonography 71.42% (male) and 18.75% (female) accuracy was recorded in this study. Thus, single measurement of serum AMH concentration was highly effective in distinguishing gonadectomized from intact adult dogs. In addition, this test also accurately identified several cases of ovarian remnant syndrome and cryptorchidism which were failed to identify using other methods. Key words: Dogs, gonadectomy status, AMH, cryptorchid, ORS, ultrasonographyEnglishDIAGNOSTIC METHODS FOR EVALUATION OF GONADECTOMY STATUS IN DOGSThesis