Tiwari, Dr. AmitaSINGH, ANJALI2021-11-082021-11-082018https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810177891The present study was undertaken to know the prevalence of sarcoptic mange in and around Jabalpur, to evaluate acaricidal therapies for sarcoptic mange in cattle and to compare the economics of various acaricidal therapies. Out of 684 cattle screened from various organized and unorganized sectors in and around Jabalpur, 112 cattle were showing signs of dermatological disorders and were selected for further study. Confirmation of sarcoptic mange was done by microscopic detection of Sarcoptes scabiei mite in the skin scraping. After confirmation of the presence of mite Sarcoptes scabiei, 24 cattle were selected for therapeutic study and 6 apparently healthy cattle were selected for healthy control group. Cattle of groups T1, T2, T3, T4 were treated with Individually prepared formulation, Tablet ivermectin, 1% injection ivermectin and 3.15% injection ivermectin, respectively. Skin scraping examination and estimation of hemato biochemical parameters were done on day 0 and on days 14, 28, 42, respectively. On the basis of clinical recovery response on day 42 post treatment and skin scraping examination results therapeutic evaluation of various acaricidal drugs were done. The assessment of economics of various acaricidal therapies were done by comparing the total cost of treatment per cattle after completion of therapy. The overall prevalence of sarcoptic mange in cattle was found to be 4.5% and among dermatological disorders it was 27.67%. The age wise prevalence of sarcoptic mange was highest in age group of 0-6 months (28.23%). Gender wise prevalence was more in female cattle (28.57%). All the clinical parameters viz body temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate varied within normal physiological range before and after treatment. A significantly lowered (p<0.05) haemoglobin and total erythrocyte count were observed in groups T1, T2, T3 and T4 as compared to T5 (healthy control group) on day 0 (pre treatment). After treatment the significant increase (p<0.05) was observed in groups T1 and T2. Significantly higher (p<0.05) total leukocyte count was observed in groups T1, T2, T3 as compared to group T5 on day 0 pre treatment. No significant difference was observed in all the hemato biochemical parameters within different treatment groups at different intervals. All the values of these parameters varied within normal physiological range. The observed clinical signs in sarcoptic mange affected cattle were found to be pruritus (100%), alopecia (100%), erythema (54.17%), exocoriation (79.16%) and thickening and wrinkling of skin (70.83%). On the basis of clinical observation and presence of mite injection ivermectin 1% @ 200 mcg/kg b.wt. was found to be most efficacious. The comparative cost of all the treatment in different groups revealed lowest treatment cost in group T4 (injection ivermectin 3.15%).EnglishnullEVALUATION OF ACARICIDAL THERAPIES FOR SARCOPTIC MANGE IN CATTLEThesis