Satish Kumar, K(MAJOR)Tirumala Rao, D.SNarasimha Reddy, YVASANTHA KUMARI, P2018-11-132018-11-132010-11 : Based on the results obtained from faecal sample analysis (microscopic, cultural and immune chromatographic assays) of the 185 diarrhoeic dogs, they were classified as suffering with parasitic, bacterial, viral and dietary etiology. The prevalence of diarrhoea due to parasitic, bacterial, viral and dietary causes was recorded as 35.14%, 21.08%, 10.81% and 32.97%, respectively. Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Dipyllidium caninum and mixed infestation of Ancylostoma caninum and Dipyllidium caninum were the different endoparasitic ova and E.coli spp., Salmonella spp. and Klebsiella spp., were the different bacteria detected on the fecal sample analysis. On immuno chromatographic one step detection of parvo viral antigen test, 39 samples revealed positive for parvo viral enteritis giving prevalence of 21.08%. The prevalence of diarrhoea due to various etiology was highest in German shepherd and least in Great Dane (parasitic), Pomeranian (bacterial), Dachshund (viral) and Spitz (dietary). The prevalence was highest in pups between 0-6 months (parasitic and viral), 6 months - 4 years (bacterial and dietary). Males of various breed were at highest risk compared to females. Dehydration, yellowish foul smell faeces, inappetance, tarry coloured foul smelling faeces were the common manifestations of parasitic diarrhoea in dogs. Moderate dehydration, anorexia and blood mixed loose feaces and foul adour brownish – black feaces were noticed in dogs with infectious diarrhoea. Whereas, inappetence, mild dehydration with mucous coated faeces were recorded in dogs with dietary diarrhoea. The temperature, pulse and respiration rates were increased in infectious diarrhoea. There was a significant decrease (p<0.01) in total erythrocyte count of groups Ia, IIa and IIIa dogs on day '0' (before treatment) when compared to apparently healthy dogs. These values significantly increased (p<0.01) among all respective group dogs. Similarly there was a significant difference (P<0.01) in total erythrocyte count after treatment between groups Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb and IIIa, IIIb dogs, respectively. There was significant increase (p<0.01) in total leucocyte count of groups Ia, IIa and IIIa dogs before treatment when compared to apparently healthy. There was a significant decrease (p<0.01) in haemoglobin concentration of diarrhoeic dogs before treatment when compared to apparently healthy ones. These values significantly increased (p<0.01) among respective groups following therapy. There was a significant increase (p<0.01) in PCV count of group Ia, Ib; IIa, IIb; IIIa, IIIb and IVa, IVb dogs before treatment when compared to apparently healthy. These values significantly decreased (p<0.01) among respective groups following therapy. Similarly, there was a significant difference (p<0.01) in PCV after treatment between group Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb, IIIa, IIIb and IVa, IVb. Neutrophils were significantly (p<0.01) increased in dogs of group Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb and IVa, IVb and decreased in IIIa, IIIb; Lymphocytes were significantly (p<0.01) decreased in group Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb and increased in IIIa, IIIb and IVa, IVb; Eosinophils were significantly (p<0.01) increased in dogs of groups Ia, Ib; IIIa, IIIb and IVa, and decreased in group IIa, IIb and IVb and the Monocytes were significantly (p<0.01) increased in group Ia, Ib; IIIa, IIIb and subsequently decreased in groups IIa, IIb and IVa, IVb dogs on day 0. Similarly, there was a significant difference (p<0.01) in Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Eosinophils and Monocytes after treatment between groups Ia, Ib; IIa, IIb; IIIa, IIIb and IVa, IVb. There was a significant (p<0.01) decrease in serum sodium, potassium, total proteins and albumin levels in all these groups before treatment when compared to apparently healthy. These values significantly increased (p<0.01) among all the groups following therapy. Similarly, there was a significant difference in these parameters after treatment between groups Ia, Ib; IIa, IIb; IIIa, IIIb and IVa, IVb. Group Ia dogs which received broad spectrum anthelmintic drug, Tab. Eazypet (Praziquantel 50mg, Pyrantel pamoate 144mg and Fenbebdazole 500mg) @ 1 tab/10kg body weight, single dose orally, showed slow and sustained improvement. Nine out of ten dogs of this group showed optimal clinical improvement and changes in haematobiochemical parameters by day 4 and one dog recovered beyond the therapeutic period (day 6). Where as, the group Ib dogs, that were supplemented with parenteral fluid (Ringers Lactate, I/V, once a day for 3 days), along with anthelmintic drug, showed marked improvement by day 4. Seven out of ten dogs belonging to group IIa, that were treated with Inj Petromax (Amoxicillin Sodium – 200mg, Sulbactam Sodium -100mg) @ 10mg/kg body weight I/M once a day for 3 days improved clinically. Whereas, all the ten dogs of group IIb that received fluid therapy in addition to the drug received by group IIa dogs, showed marked improvement by day 3. Out of ten dogs of group IIIa that received Inj. Amikacin (Amikacin 250mg) @ 10mg/kg body weight I/M once a day for 3 days. Diarrhoea was noticed till day 2 (2 dogs) and 3 (4 dogs) with inappetance for 2 days (6 dogs). Whereas, all the ten dogs of group IIIb showed faster recovery from day 2 and complete clinical recovery following three days therapeutic trial. All the dogs that received additional fluid therapy in addition to tab. Petpro (Microbial Culture (9strains), total viable count @ 2×109 CFU excipient.qs) recovered fully when compared to seven out of ten dogs belonging to group IVa that were given only petpro. Hence, it may be concluded from the present results that dogs belonging to Groups Ib, IIb, IIIb and IVb, that had received fluid supplementation in addition to the specific drugs showed faster and marked improvement with respect to clinical signs and haemato biochemical parameters when compared to those dogs of the Groups Ia, IIa, IIIa and IVa received only specific drugs.ennullCLINICAL AND THERAPEUTIC STUDIES OF DIARRHOEA IN DOGSThesis