Kumar, AshwaniAnil Kumar2018-08-142018-08-142014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810064400The present study was conducted on 10 apparently healthy and 41 (18 cattle, 23 buffaloes) clinical cases suffering from intestinal obstruction, dividing into Group I (Small intestine fecolith, n=10), Group II (Intussusception, n=5), Group III (Caecal dilatation and colonic fecolith, n=7) and Group IV (Peritonitis, n=19). In healthy animals, strong motility characterised by constantly changing intestinal lumen was seen, ultrasonographically. The lumen diameter of the small intestine in healthy cattle (1.83± 0.16) was significantly higher than that of buffaloes (1.49 ± 0.19).Duodenum was seen from the right flank to 10th intercostal space medio-ventral to the gallbladder. Diameter of small intestines ranged from 1.5 to 3.0 cm. Only the wall of the large intestines (caecum and colon) closest to the transducer was usually imaged and appeared as a thick echogenic crescent shaped line. Majority of the unhealthy animals were buffaloes (56.1%) and mean age was 5.48 ± 0.41 years. Small intestine intussusception (Group II) was recorded in cattle only. Majority of the animals had single episode of colic, complete anorexia, abdominal distension, absent or reduced rumen motility and loss of defecation with or without passing of mucus. Neutrophilic leukocytosis was recorded in Group IV only; however, relative neutrophilia was seen in all animals. Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis with hypochloraemia and hypocalcaemia was recorded. Ultrasonographically, thick-walled, dilated loops of small intestine with ileus were recorded. Ultrasonography was found helpful in locating site of obstruction, though, nature of lesion could be identified in a few cases only. Ultrasonography combined with per rectal examination was useful in diagnosing intussusception and caecal dilatation. Cattle and buffaloes in Group I, II and III had good surgical prognosis. No significant prognostic indicator in animals suffering from intestinal obstruction could be established in the present studyEnglishStudies on Ultrasonographic Diagnosis and Prognosis of Intestinal obstruction in BovineThesis