Mr. C.R. BharodiaBirbal Ram2017-03-272017-03-272012-04 India agriculture has a long history dating back to ten thousand years. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry and logging accounted for 13.9 per cent of the GDP in 2011, employed 60 per cent of the total workforce and despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall socio-economic development of India. Fertilizers have played a vital role in the success of India’s green revolution and consequent self-reliance in food grains production. The increase in fertilizer consumption has contributed significantly to sustainable production in food grains in the country. The N is for nitrogen, the P is for phosphorus and the K is for potassium or potash. Out of 16 nutrients (12 are water soluble fertilizers) known elements necessary for plant life, N-P-K, are the three that are of the most importance and always listed on water soluble fertilizers, in that order (except Eco-Grow, which lists N-K-P). Following N-P-K, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are the two, second most important nutrients listed on the label. The rest, iron (Fe), sulfur(S), manganese (Mn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mb), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) are trace elements or micro-nutrients. The project will be beneficial to farmers as well as company also. Before implementations of the project raw information are needed this will provides basic strength to future business. Based on the requirement of project following objectives of the study were formulated. (1) To find out the cropping pattern in Bikaner district, (2) To know the market potential of micro nutrient and NPK soluble in wheat crop, (3) To know the perception of farmers towards use of micro nutrient and NPK soluble in wheat crop, (4) To find out suitable promotional activities for product promotion for SFC. Multi stage sampling technique has been adopted as per the objectives of the study. The district at the first stage, taluka at the second stage and village at the third stage are selected for the study. On basis of agricultural activity and cropping pattern, select Bikaner district. From each Taluka, four distributors have been selected for sampling at the first stage. At the next stage of sampling, ten farmers have been selected at each village. The primary data was collected through survey. The information was collected through personal interview with the distributor using well structured questionnaires. The interview was regarding information on agricultural activities, cropping pattern and about the fertilizer companies working in that area. Secondary data was collected from company database, Government departments, web portals and literature available from other sources. Guar, moth, gram, rape seed, ground nut are the major crops grown in Bikaner district. In Rabi season gram, mustard, wheat and in Kharif season guar, moth and ground nut are grown as major crops in Bikaner. All main crops cultivated under Rabi season have increased 2010 s–11 to 2011–12. Gram is an important crop of Bikaner district. It has significant areas under cultivation, followed by wheat crop. Area of cultivation of gram is increased by 4.04 per cent then the previous year and of wheat areas is increased by 6.39 then the last year. The highest change in area of cultivation is of rape & mustard which is 14.39 per cent measure change in cultivation of area can be seen in case of tarameera crop of which cultivation area is decreased by 86.50 per cent then the last year. Micronutrient and NPK soluble has huge market potential in Bikaner for wheat crop because wheat occupies a large area in this district. Karnataka fertilizers, Aries, SFC are major company working in that area. Karnataka fertilizers 48 per cent, SFC 29 per cent market share covers and rest by other companies in micronutrient market. For NPK soluble Aries cover highest market share 31 per cent. Farmers perception regarding micronutrient and NPK soluble was that prices of micronutrient and NPK soluble is high but enhance the crop production, quality and also soil property. According to the farmer’s field days, demonstration, jeep campaigns are the best method for product promotion.enmanagementMARKET POTENTIAL FOR MICRO NUTRIENT AND NPK SOLUBLE IN WHEAT CROP IN BIKANER DISTRICT (RAJASTHAN)Thesis