K.G.NarayanAnjan Bhattacharya2024-06-062024-06-061991https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810209698Ninety nine apparently healthy street pups of 10-12 weeks of age were found to be free from rabies virus. This is based on simultaneous examination of brain, salivary gland and tonsil of each of 99 pups. The results of examining the above 297 samples simultaneously by 5 different tests vis., MIT, FAT, IPT, DOT-ELISA and Seller's stain add strength in declaring that the 99 pups examined were negative for rabies. Serologic tests like FAT and IPT were comparable to MIT as was earlier reported by Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology. In addition ELISA and DOT-ELISA tests were carried out. The former, reported from Pasteur Institute, Paris was found to be equally comparable. DOT-ELISA was developed in order to make rabies diagnosis easy. Results of ELISA and DOT-ELISA compared with MIT suggested that it was possible to titrate rabies virus antigen. Serum neutralization test in mice carried out in this study was comparable to those being routinely done at Central Research Institute, Kasauli. The three testa, viz., SN, ELISA and DOT-ELISA were used to monitor the response of vaccination of pups 4 weeks old with Raksharab and Rabisin. The of the three tests were comparable thus indicating that one could determine anti rabic serum titre by ELISA and DOT-ELISA instead of SN.EnglishRabies Infection and protection in Pubs less than 10- 12 weeksThesis