B. AHILANM.J.PRINCE JEYASEELAN2020-02-072020-02-072001-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810142718The investigation was aimed at determining the effect of vitamin BD and cobalt chloride on the growth and maturation of goldfish. The fishes were stocked in rectangular cem*ent tanks and fed with artificial feed incorporated with vitamin B12 and cobalt chloride at three d.ifferent concentrations. cobalt chloride incorporated at Z.b ppm gave positive results both for gonadal development and growth' Among the doses-test"d fo. vitamin Br, the 25 ppm concentration had shown highest response for both maturation and growth.ennullEffect of cobalt chtoride and vitamin Bu on the growth and gonadal maturation of goldfrsh Carassius auratusReprint