Hanamasetti, S IBhyresappa, K B2019-07-112019-07-112003No. of references 70http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113979"A field experiment was conducted at Kittiir Raani Channnamma College of Horticultiu^, Anabliavi, during Khaiif 2002 to know the possibility of cultivation of ajowan under Northern Dry Zone of Kamataka, to find oiit tJie suitable sowing time and optimum dose of NPK application on growth, seed and essential oil yield. The two experiments were laid out in Randomized Block Design with 8 treatments to each expeiiment. The date of sowing experiment crop was sown from June second fortnight to Octobei (at foitnight interval) and for nutrient management experiment the different levels of NPK were appHed (50:25:25, 75:37.5:37.5, 100:50:50, 125:62.5:62.5, 150:75:75, 175:8.5:87.5, 200:100:100 kg ha-i) over control (no fertilizer) in three repUcations. The results revealed that ajowan, a new crop to this zone, could be grown successfully. Among the differcnt dates of sowing June second foitnight resulted highest seed (11.53 q ha ^) and essential oil yield (50 1 ha^) followed by October first fortnight sowing (9.38 q ha ' and 43.90 1 h a ' , respectively) since plants were exposed to longer period of growth with sufficient conserved moisture and favourable temperature for growtli and yield attributing traits. But in September fiist and second fortnight sown croj:) resulted low^er seed (4.75 and 5.86 q ha ', respectively) and essential oil yield (17.53 and 23.83 1 ha ', respectively) because plants were exposed to adverse climatic conditions like supra optimal soil moisttire for prolonged period lead to wilting. Among the different levels of NPK applied 125:62.5:62.5 kg ha ^ resulted in better growth, yield attiibuting tiaits, seed (9.07 q ha ') and essential oil yield (39.57 i h a ' ) over control (2.43 q and 8.43 1 h a ', respectively). Above and below tiiis level of fertilizer application resiilted in poor perfoiTnance. Hence, for getting highei B : C ratio (3.90) application of 125:62.5:62.5 NPK kg h a ' was found to be optimum."ennullSTUDIES ON DATES OF SOWING AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN AJOWAN (Trachyspermum ammi L.) UNDER NORTHERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis