Joshi, ArunabhRajamani, Ganesh2017-05-122017-05-122009Rajamani and Joshi, 2009 OF REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES AND ANTIOXIDANTS INVOLVED IN WATER STRESS TOLERANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY IN WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPESWater stress imposed at the reproductive phase (pre and mid-anthesis) in bread-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes (Lok-1, Raj-3077, GW-273 and GW-322), physiologically assessed by reduction in both relative water content (RWC) and membrane stability index (MSI) values had induced the generation of reactive oxygen species - (ROS, viz., superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide). These ROS caused increases in levels of key antioxidative enzymes, i.e., superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and ascorbate specific peroxidase as an effective mechanism of biochemical tolerance to the developed water stress condition. This increased antioxidant response was significantly high at the mid-anthesis stress period, compared to the pre-anthesis period, in all the genotypes. However, there occurred a decrease in accumulation of molecular antioxidants viz., L-ascorbic acid and reduced glutathione during water stress imposed at both developmental stages. Besides, lipid peroxidation and osmoregulation activities during stress were also found significantly increased in these genotypes, each differing in their responses to the internal water deficiency. All these biochemical parameters were found useful in screening these genotypes for their relative tolerance or susceptibility under water stress at the two developmental stages.ennullACCUMULATION OF REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES AND ANTIOXIDANTS INVOLVED IN WATER STRESS TOLERANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY IN WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPESThesis