P. H. TANKMARVANIA NIRALI TULSIBHAI2021-07-082021-07-082019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170281The aim of this study was to compare open plating and minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) for repair to long bone fracture in dogs. The present clinical study was undertaken in twelve dogs having radius-ulna or tibia-fibula fracture. Four cases of radius-ulna fractures and eight cases of tibia-fibula fractures were equally divided into two groups (Group I- Open plating and Group II- MIPO) depending upon merits of the cases. Both the groups included cases with three transverse, two oblique and a comminuted fractures. Pre and post-operative assessment of animals were done on the basis of critical clinical examination and radiographic evaluation. Blood samples were collected from animals prior to surgery and post-operatively for hemato biochemical analysis. Standard medications, anesthetic protocols and surgical procedures were followed to minimize animal sufferings. The hematological parameters were found within the normal range before and after the surgery probably due to supportive therapy and absence of post-operative infection. A non-significant differences in serum calcium, phosphorus, creatinine kinase and alkaline phosphatase between the groups suggested similar tissue damage and healing in open plating and MIPO technique. Intra-operative evaluation of reduction and alignment of fracture fragments and proper positioning of contoured plate to the bone was technically easier to perform under C-arm guidance in MIPO technique. Radiographic evaluation, lameness grading and functional outcome revealed that both the surgical procedure provided adequate reduction and alignment of fracture ends depended on factors like type of fractures and duration of fractures. However, MIPO technique provided earlier weight bearing but also required additional skill as compared to open plating.EnglishCOMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDIES ON MINIMALLY INVASIVE PLATE OSTEOSYNTHESIS AND OPEN PLATING TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIR OF LONG BONE FRACTURE IN DOGS 2925Thesis