V.R. SASHIDHARSAUMYA, SUDHAN2019-05-182019-05-182007-08-22Th-8601http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810103767Plant accumulation of a given metal is a function of uptake capacity and intracellular binding sites. At every level, concentration and affinities of chelating molecules, as well as the presence and selectivity of transport activities, affect metal accumulation rates. An important pathway by which plants avoid the heavy metal stress is by the production of heavy metal binding peptides, phytochelatins, or their precursor glutathione. An enzyme named phytochelatin synthase catalyses PC synthesis from GSHennullREGULATION OF OXIDATIVE STRESS AND GLUTATHIONE HOMEOSTASIS IN RICE {Oryza sativa L.) VARIETIES UNDER HEAVY METAL TOXICITYThesis