D. T. VaghelaPARGI NARENDRAKUMAR ARJUNSINH2021-06-232021-06-232019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169916The biological study on Portunus sanguinolentus was conducted at Veraval coast of Gujarat. It is exploited by the use of trawler throughout the year during August to March month at Veraval coast of Gujarat. The biological information of crab such as length - weight relationship, food and feeding habits, sex ratio and fecundity were collected from the multiday trawler operated along Veraval coast of Gujarat. The highest observed length of the crab was 270.2 mm with a mean length of 109 ± 26 mm. The overall sex ratio was 1:1.14. They spawned round the year with its peak during August and September. Absolute fecundity of the species was 7,44,900 - 6,02,910. Gonadosomatic index was the highest during March. Gastrosometic index was highest during November. Fish and Crustacean were the most preferred food item than other food items. The present investigations will helpful to people by providing the baseline data for the conservation and management aspects of the fishery resource for future purpose.EnglishSTUDY ON SOME BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CRAB, Portunus sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783) LANDED AT VERAVAL COAST, GUJARAT 3010Thesis