ASHISH KUMAR SINGHVINAY, G. M.2023-11-282023-11-282022, obtained after straining molten ghee during its manufacturing is a nutrient-rich by-product of the dairy industry. The majority of ghee residue remained underutilized due to lesser avenues for its commercial application in the food and dairy industry. The ghee residue powder utilised in this investigation had fat ~46.09 %, protein ~31.18 %, lactose ~16.55 %, and ash ~4.91 %. Pearl millet (PM) is considered an important nutraceutical grain due to the presence of a high amount of crude fibre (1.96%), protein (11.14%), ash (1.66%), and fat (5.62 %). Pearl millet is an ideal base material for the manufacture of gluten-free bakery products and attempts have been made to prepare biscuits and muffins. Replacement of ghee residue/ghee residue powder in biscuit dough reduced the lightness, while the redness and yellowness increased. Rheological analysis of dough revealed that it was viscoelatic in nature, with a storage modulus greater than the elastic modulus and a loss tangent less than 0.5, indicating elastic behaviour. Ghee residue utilization lowered dough hardness whereas ghee residue powder addition increased the dough hardness value. sensory evaluation indicated that bakery fat can be replaced up to the 20 % ghee residue and it was rated best in overall acceptability. The interaction effect of dough resting time and level of baking powder showed that showed that dough resting time of 20 minutes and 0.75 % baking powder was optimum level for developing acceptable quality biscuits. However biscuit sample containing 25 % ghee residue powder, 0.5 % baking powder, and a 30-minute dough resting time resulted in biscuits with maximum overall acceptability score. Hardness and spread ratio of biscuits increased and decreased, respectively with increasing concentration of ghee residue. An attempt was made to prepare eggless muffins by substituting whey protein concentrate with ghee residue powder. Rheological studies revealed that muffin batter displayed shear thinning behaviour and the viscosity was reduced up to ~50%; however further enhancement in GRP level improved the viscosity of batter. The batter's loss tangent was close to 0.8, indicating that the batter was viscous in nature. Increasing the level of Ghee residue powder caused lowering in protein but increase in fat and ash content. Among the physical parameters’ redness, specific volume and hardness of muffins increased, whereas lightness value decreased. Based on sensory evaluation, muffin with 25 % WPC substitution with ghee residue powder was acceptable. Replacing more than 50 % of WPC resulted in surface cracking and the collapse of the muffin's body. On the basis of present investigation, it can be inferred that both ghee residue and ghee residue powder can replace fat and WPC in biscuit and muffins respectively without adversely affecting the product characteristics and their sensory acceptability.EnglishEFFECT OF GHEE RESIDUE SUBSTITUTE OF BAKERY FAT ON QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PEARL MILLET-BASED BAKERY PRODUCTSThesis