Srivastava, AjayAgrawal, Priyank2018-09-102018-09-102015-07 Course Portel” is a web application. This project aims at creating a Course portel for a campus. This allows registered users of the system to join a course available in the site and access the materials published for the course. People can register themselves as students of a course or faculty for a course. Student can read the available material related to his course. After completion the course he will give exam. There is a link available in student section from where they can give feedback. It has an announcement section which contains the latest announcements which are done by administrator. And administrator can introduce a new course in the portel. And also a course content section which gives the links for the material available for the course .The administrator will be maintaining some FAQ’s. For faculty members also will be having a separate link for uploading the course content which is approve by administrator. Faculty member prepare the exam for the students. There will be a mechanism to create a test for the course specifying the test title and a set of multiple-choice questions and duration of time for the test. This project also contains leave management mechanism using online approval of leave for faculty.ennullOnline course portelThesis