Dr. R.N. YadavANKIT SINGH YADAV2024-06-202024-06-202016https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210699S.V.P University of Agriculture and Technology Meerut- 250110 (U.P.) INDIA. Name of student : Ankit Singh Yadav Id. No : 1384 Admission : 2014-2015 Degree : M.Sc. (Ag.) Agricultural Extension Thesis title : “A study on technological gap and constraints in potato production in Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh.” Advisor : Dr. R.N. Yadav Degree Awarding University: S.V.P University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110 (U.P.), India. ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “A study on technological gap and constraints in potato production in Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh.” was conducted in the year 2015-16 with the help of the following objectives, socio-economic profile of potato growers, knowledge level of potato growers regarding potato production technology, adoption level of potato growers regarding potato production technology, constraints in adoption of potato production technology and suitable extension strategies to promote the quality potato. The results of the study depicted that the majority of the potato growers were found upper middle age category group of 46-60 years (48.75 percent), other backward caste (60.00 percent), married (95.00 percent), literate (92.50 percent), joint families (65.00 percent), families size of medium category 5-8 members (61.25 percent), Pucca type of housing pattern ( 88.75 percent), the medium respondents with a land holding 4 to 10 hectare (36.25 percent), owned irrigation sources (59.00 percent). It was also observed that of agriculture is main occupation (91.25 percent), and business as subsidiary occupations with (16.25 percent), respectively. The maximum (66.25 percent) potato growers were found no participation in formal organization. The maximum (51.25 percent), respondents were use as small dairy size and (38.75 percent), respondents were found such who had the earning annual income of Rs. 50,001/-to Rs. 1,00,000/-.The mobile phone (96.25 percent),and television (77.50 percent), was found as main communication media with the potato growers. The maximum number of respondent (77.50 percent ),was found in medium level of economic motivation. The knowledge level of potato growers regarding potato production technology, the most of the potato growers regarding potato cultivation practices were having medium level and regarding plant protection practices were having at low level. The potato respondents faced the constraints in adoption of potato production technology i.e. maximum respondents were related to lack of knowledge about plant protection measures (76.25 percent), less number of production technology/ information training centres (75.00 percent), no availability of high yielding varieties (71.25 percent), lack of knowledge about balance fertilizer application (63.75percent),Government tube wells are not available (61.25 percent), higher labour wage (55.00 percent)in the study area. Name and Signature of advisor Name and Signature of student Dr. R.N. Yadav Ankit Singh YadavEnglishA STUDY ON TECHNOLOGICAL GAP AND CONSTRAINTS IN POTATO PRODUCTION IN HAPUR DISTRICT OF UTTAR PRADESHThesis