SRIVASTAWA, J.P.MATTOO, FAROOG AHMAD2023-03-112023-03-11 OF URINE TREATED PADDY STRAW ON GROWTH AND NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN CROSS- BRED MALE CATTLE CALVES1.Urea treatments at 6% concentration and 50% moisture level and urine treatment of paddy straw stored for 4 weeks has significant effects in increasing crude protein and lowering crude fibre percentage. (2) Urea treatment at 5% level and urine treatment in 1:1 ratio of paddy strav increased its dry matter and crude protein degradability’s/digestibility’s in the rumen. 3.Both urea/urine treatments of paddy straw has increased digestibility co-efficient of various nutrients. Balances of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus were not affected by urea or urine treatment too much. Thus it could be concluded that both urea and urine treatment of low quality roughages have beneficial effects in increasing its nutritive value as well as on the productive performance of the animals.EnglishEFFECT OF URINE TREATED PADDY STRAW ON GROWTH AND NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN CROSS- BRED MALE CATTLE CALVESThesis