Gopalkrishna, N.KEDAR, VISHRAM PANJABRAO .2020-09-292020-09-291972-10-09KEDAR, VISHRAM PANJABRAO. (1972). Studies on the factors affecting fruit set and fruit drop in Nagpur santra ( mandarin orange,citrus reticulata blanco), in relation to soil moisture. foliar application of nitrogenous fertilizer and plant growth regulators. Department of Horticulture. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra. Ph. D. (1972). Print. 192P. (Unpublished). ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING FRUIT SET AND FRUIT DROP IN NAGPUR SANTRA ( MANDARIN ORANGE, citrus reticulata blanco), IN RELATION TO SOIL MOISTURE. FOLIAR APPLICATION OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS.Thesis