Pallavi Sood2017-02-172017-02-172008 Seven hybrid dikaryons of Pleurotus florida developed from the parent strain Pleurotus florida PAU-5 were analyzed for their lignocellulolytic enzyme activity and yield potential. Five enzymes-cellulase, hemicellulase, laccase, esterase and peroxidase were studied in culture broths. The extracellular enzyme activities of cellulases (CMCase, cellobiase and filter paper activity), hemicellulase and laccase were found to be correlated with mycelial dry weight values. Mycelial dry weight values were more for dikaryons (PS 2, PS 5, PS 6 and PS 7) which exhibited greater enzyme activities. The activity of cellulase, hemicellulase and laccase were also monitored in wheat straw substrate of P.florida hybrid dikaryons at the time of fruit body initiation. The percent Biological Efficiency of these hybrid dikaryons were directly correlated with lignocellulolytic activity. Max yield was obtained for PS7 giving 46.3 kg/100kg wheat straw followed by PS2 with 43.8kg/100kg wheat straw. Isozymic electrophoresis of two enzymes-esterase and peroxidase was conducted. For esterase, single band at Rm value 0.107 was obtained for all dikaryons. In case of peroxidase, two bands of Rm value 0.104 and 0.746 were obtained for all dikaryons. However, for PS 2 and PS 8 one extra band at Rm value 0.138 was also obtained. Isozymic electrophoresis of esterase and peroxidase revealed that all the dikaryons were very similar with P.florida parent and exhibited 90-100% similarity Pleurotus florida hybrid dikaryons, cellulases, hemicellulase, laccases, esterase, peroxidase, isozyme electrophoresis.en---Enzymatic Characterisation and Yield Potential of Pleurotus Florida DikaryonsThesis