KUBERAPPA, G CNOOTHAN KUMAR, N N2016-11-042016-11-042013-07-22TH-10507http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/83777Insect pollinators diversity with special reference to role of attractants in increasing productivity of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)] was carried out during summer season of 2012-2013 at Agriculture Farm, National bureau of agriculturally important insects, Atturu Layout, Yalahanka, Bangalore. Sixteen and twenty two species of insect pollinators were recorded on flowers of watermelon before and after application of attractants with citral-a and citral-b. Among them, fifteen species were belong to order Hymenoptera, four to Diptera, two to Lepidoptera and one to Coleoptera. The abundance of Apis cerana was constituted 58.61 per cent of the total insect pollinators against 41.39 per cent of other pollinators. The quantity of nectar and its sugar concentration was more in female flowers (3.43 μl and 60.75 %) than in male flowers (2.53 μl and 52.25 %). Effectiveness of attractants in improving quantitative and qualitative parameters such as fruit set, fruit weight, fruit volume, fruit length, number of sound seeds, test weight, moisture, ash content, TSS and germination percentage were maximum in open pollination treated with Citral-a.endevelopmental stages, biological phenomena, fruits, watermelons, attractants, sexual reproduction, organic compounds, crops, honey, cucumbersINSECT POLLINATORS DIVERSITY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ROLE OF ATTRACTANTS IN INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY OF WATERMELON [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)]Thesis