Hiremath, Uma S.Kurbetta, Nagaratna C.2021-10-032021-10-032016-06https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810176559The study was undertaken in the year 2015-16 in Dharwad district of Karnataka with the sample size of 300 rural women to analyse the effect of trainings conducted for rural women by the District Agricultural Training Centre (DATC). An analysis of the data indicated that majority of the trained rural women had medium level of knowledge about integrated pest management (56.70 %), integrated farming system (73.40 %), dairy management (63.30 %) and seed treatment (73.30 %). Whereas, 43.30 per cent of rural women had high level of knowledge about organic farming. Untrained rural women showed low level of knowledge in integrated pest management (80.00 %), integrated farming system (56.70 %), seed treatment (70.00 %) and organic farming (63.33 %). Only in case of dairy management majority (63.30 %) of the untrained women possessed medium level of knowledge. With regard to adoption, majority of trained women belonged to high level of adoption about dairy management (73.30 %) and seed treatment (43.30 %). With respect to integrated pest management majority (50.00 %) of them had medium level of adoption and low level of adoption was found in integrated farming system (60.00 %) and organic farming (43.30 %). Lack of financial assistance was the main constraint in adoption of technologies as expressed by 89.33 per cent of trained rural women followed by lack of market facility (69.33 %) and high cost of raw materials (56.00 %). Cent per cent of the trained rural women were fully satisfied with the technical competencies, physical facilities provided by the organization and also fully satisfied in respect of communication and communicator. The Garrett Ranking applied to the data regarding effectiveness of training methods and teaching aids used by DATC showed that, the most effective training method expressed by trained women was field visits and it was ranked as top and films/3D films was the most effective teaching aid.EnglishEffect Of Trainings Conducted For Rural Women By District Agricultural Training CentreThesis