Dr. N.K. GontiaKapadia Jatin V.2019-05-022019-05-022013-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810101687The study on application of saline water through drip irrigation and catalytic water conditioner was carried out at Agricultural Research Station (Fruit crops), Junagadh Agricultural University, Mahuva. Sodic soils were treated with different soil amendments viz. gypsum, activated effective micro-organism (AEM) and catalytic water conditioner (CWC). Soil samples were collected after irrigating field through drip irrigation at radial distance 15 cm and 30 cm from emitter and at depth of 5-10 cm, 15- 20 cm and 25-30 cm from all the treatments combinations of soil amendments. Analysis of the soil samples reveled that pH, EC, carbonate content and SAR was found minimum in treatment combination of gypsum + AEM + CWC. Cation exchange capacity shown no significant difference. pH was observed 7.93 minimum at radial distance 15 cm from the emitter in treatment gypsum + AEM + CWC and 10.00 maximum at radial distance 30 cm from the emitter in control. EC was observed 1.25 dS/m minimum at radial distance 15 cm from the emitter in treatment gypsum + AEM + CWC and 2.79 dS/m maximum at radial distance 30 cm from the emitter in control. CO3 % was observed 13.17 % minimum at radial distance 15 cm from the emitter in treatment gypsum + AEM + CWC and 15.74 % maximum at radial distance 30 cm fi-om the emitter in control. Though CEC of the soil had decreased in treatment gypsum + AEM + CWC as compared to control, it hadn't shown any significant difference. SAR was observed 12.62 minimum at radial distance 15 cm from the emitter in treatment gypsum + AEM + CWC and 15.18 maximum at radial distance 30 cm from the emitter in control. Evaluation of CWC was also performed. It revealed that there was no significant difference in physio chemical properties of treated and non-treated CWC water. The cost analysis of the system including drip irrigation system, soil amendments and CWC was found to be ? 32748 per ha.enSTUDY ON APPLICATION OF SALINE WATER THROUGH DRIP IRRIGATION AND CATALYTIC WATER CONDITIONER IN SODIC SOILS 1811Thesis