Dr. Ashish RoySANJAY GHODASARA2017-07-262017-07-262008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810026173Brucellosis is a major bacterial zoonosis of global importance. The causative organism is Gram-negative facultative intracellular pathogens that may affect a range of different mammals including man, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, rodents and marine mammals. Brucellosis is caused by different species of Brucella and is cause significant economically losses to live stock industries. The disease is manifested by reproductive disorder, viz., infertility, retained placenta, abortions and endometritis in livestock species, hence it leads to loss in productivity of animals and consequently to economic lossesenVeterinary MicrobiologyAnalysis“ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION, MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF BRUCELLA FROM REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS OF ANIMALS AND SERODETECTION OF BRUCELLA ANTIBODIESThesis