SURESH KUMAR, R.V (Major)SREENU, MAKKENAVAIKUNTA RAO, VVINEESH, N (Major)2016-12-152016-12-152007-12 : The present investigation was carried out on diagnosis of respiratory tract affections/disorders with special reference to tracheobronchoscopy in dogs. Out of 623 animals that were screened, 116 dogs (33.86%) showed various respiratory problems. Among the dogs with respiratory tract disease incidence of lower respiratory tract was 54.98 per cent and upper respiratory tract was 45.02 per cent. Out of these, dogs with lower respiratory tract diseases 21 (18.10%) had tracheitis, 12 (10.34%) had haemorrhagic tracheitis, 3 (2.59%) showed tracheal collapse, 4 (3.44%) had foreign bodies in trachea, 46 (39.66%) suffered with tracheobronchitis 21 (18.10%) had bronchopneumonia and 9 (7.76%) showed metastatic lower respiratory tract lesion. No significant changes were observed in electrocardiographic studies. Based on clinical presentation cases were divided into two groups. Among them radiography as well as tracheobronchoscopic procedures conducted to diagnose different incidences. Radiography was useful in diagnosing bronchopneumonia, metastatic lesions in lungs and tracheal collapse. Tracheobronchoscopic examination revealed conditions like tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia, haemorrhagic tracheitis, foreign body in trachea and tracheal collapse. Haematological parameters viz., group II dogs showed marked neutrophilia, eosinophilia lymphocytopaenia and leucocytosis whereas no significant changes were observed in total erythrocyte counts and packed cell volume values. C-reactive protein levels significantly marked increase in the values in case of group II (affected) whereas glucose and total protein values were within normal limits. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that, enrofloxacin as sensitive antibiotic followed by gentamicin and chloramphenicol to the samples collected randomly from affected cases. The cases were effectively treated using the antibiotic based on ABST results in addition to corticosteroids, antihistaminic, antipyretics and supportive therapy.enrespiratory tract affections; tracheobronchoscopy; DOGS ; respiratory tract disordersSTUDIES ON DIAGNOSIS OF LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT AFFECTIONS/DISORDERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TRACHEOBRONCHOSCOPY IN DOGSMVSc; CVSc, TIRUPATI; Acc No: T1209Thesis