NANDINI, R.KHAJABANDENAWAJ2018-05-312018-05-312017-08-16Th-11796 groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc] is neglected and underutilized pulse crop grown mostly in semi-arid tropics of the African continent. Forty eight stabilized mutants of Bambara groundnut variety SB-42 irradiated with gamma-rays were used to study morphological diversity and twelve selected mutants were subjected for proteins quantification, characterization of proteins and isoenzymes and also for the estimation of phytic acid. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among the genotypes for all the characters indicating the prevalence of variability. The estimates of PCV and GCV were higher to moderate for all most all the characters and difference between PCV and GCV for all most all characters was narrow. High heritability coupled with high GAM was observed for pods plant-1, seeds plant-1 and shelling percentage. Grouping of genotypes into clusters using Tocher’s method resulted in the formation of 8 clusters, of which cluster-I was the biggest with 30 genotypes) followed by cluster-II(9) and III(7). Protein estimation among the selected mutants indicated ample variation for protein content. Protein profile, esterase and peroxidase isozyme profile revealed sufficient amount of polymorphism among mutants. Peroxidase isozyme showed highest polymorphism compared to esterase isozyme indicating that gamma irradiation being more efficient in inducing mutations at the peroxidase loci. Phytic acid estimation among selected mutants also indicated ample amount of variation for phytic acid content. Mutants F.55-1(4) and F.12(1) with high yield and low phytic acid whereas F.20(2) and F.3(3) with high protein and high yield can be utilized for the crop improvement.ennullEVALUATION OF BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) MUTANTS FOR YIELD, PROTEIN AND RELATED CHARACTERSThesis