B.N. PATILSHIVAMURTHY, D.2019-06-102019-06-102006-12-30TH-8300http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810107865A field experiment was conducted to study the "Effect of method of planting and seed treatments on performance of wheat genotypes under rainfed condition" at All India Co-ordinated Wheat Improvement project, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dhanwad during rabi 2004-05. The experiment was laid out in split plot design, assigning varieties with method of planting combination to main plots and seed treatment to sub plots with three replications. Among varieties with method of planting, Bijaga yellow with skipping one row after every three rows recorded significantly higher total dry matter (DM) production (148.10 g/m row length), DM accumulation in leaves (51.60 g/m row length), stem (66.35 g/m row length) and ear head (30.13 g/m row length) at 90 DAS, which also accounted for maximum plant height (75.91 cm), LAI (2.43) and number of tillers (127.16 / m row length) at 90 DAS as compared to than those of Bijaga yellow with flat bed, DWR-2006 with flat bed and skipped row method of planting. Grain and straw yields were highest (1781 kg/ha and 3436 kg/ha, respectively) due to combination of Bijaga yellow with skipping one row after three rows method of planting and it was least under DWR-2006 with flat bed method of planting (1500 kg/ha and 2875 kg/ha). Bijaga yellow with skipping one row after every three rows recorded significantly higher number of ear heads (231 / m^ area), net returns (Rs. 9601) and B:C ratio (1;51)than those of Bijaga yellow with flat bed, DWR-2006 with flat bed and skipped row method of planting.ennullEFFECT OF METHOD OF PLANTING AND SEED TREATMENTS ON PERFORMANCE OF WHEAT GENOTYPES UNDER RAINFED CONDITIONThesis