Katark, P AMadhu, S C2019-07-032019-07-032004No. of references 63http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810111676"Statistical analysis of growth of teak is influenced by ecological factors is generally aimed at identifying optimum ecological conditions required for the better growth of teak. Five forest ranges of Western Ghat namely Dharwad, Haliyal, Dandeli, Sirsi and Banavasi were evaluated for various growth parameters to access the influence of ecological factors. Ecological factors includes rainfall, altitude and various edaphic factors. The growth of teak in terms of diameter (0.5538 m), height (14.07 m) and volume (0.2063 m^) was found to have a higher values in Dandeli forest range and Sirsi forest range have a higher values of basal area (0.2063 m^) and these two forest ranges were characterized by high rainfall and high altitude. But, poor growth of teak was noticed under low rainfall and higher altitude. Among the various edaphic factors considered bulk density and particle density have a significantly correlates with all the three growth parameters except diameter but in case of porosity it was required i.e., it has significanth' correlated with diameter only. The pH and electrical conductivity has no substantial effect on growth parameters studied. Nitrogen and phosphorus in soil exhibited positive association with various growth parameters and are significantly correlated, but potassium had a significant result with diameter and basal area and non-significant results with height and volume. When, we consider the growth of teak over the years from its initial stage, we observed that the growth was linear over the years. The maximum increment in height was noticed upto the age of 18 years and then it reduces in the later years. But, care of diameter, minimum increment was observed in the early years and maximum in later years. As the rainfall and altitude increases the growth also increase and if rainfall and altitude decreases then growth also decrease."ennullSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF GROWTH OF TEAK AS INFLUENCED BY ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN WESTERN GHATS OF KARNATAKAThesis