SHEKHARAPPAKAVITHA JADHAV2019-05-272019-05-272007-08-29TH8667 on rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) with respect to biology, reaction of genotypes, efficacy of grain protectants and organoleptic evaluations were carried out under laboratory condition at Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2005-06. The biology of the rice weevil, S, oryzae on pop sorghum grain variety Talakal-6 revealed the larval and pupal period of 25.8 ± 3.70 and 7.4 + 0.54 days, respectively. Total life cycle from egg to adult completed in 40.2 + 4.69 days. Among the different grain sorghum and pop sorghum varieties screened against S. oryzae, maximum per cent of grain damage, per cent weight loss, population buildup and minimum per cent of germination was observed in Shiggaon local, while Mugad local was proved relatively resistant. DSV-3 was found relatively resistant among grain sorghum varieties.ennullBIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF RICE WEEVIL, Sitophilus oryzae L. IN POP SORGHUMThesis