Dr. Bhaskar, R N.NISHCHITHA, G A.2023-01-132023-01-132022-02-22https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192182ThesisInvestigation on the growth and quality parameters of mulberry saplings (Morussp.) grown under aeroponic system and nursery condition were assessed at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting. The plants grown under aeroponic system were recorded maximum for all the growth and quality parameters except leaf area, total chlorophyll content and leaf carbohydrate percentage which were found maximum under nursery conditions. However, the percent leaf moisture and moisture retention capacity after 6 hours were found on par under both systems. Among treatments, T3 (three buds per cutting) recorded maximum for all growth and quality parameters followed by T2 (two buds per cutting) and T1 (one bud per cutting). The interaction effect between propagation systems and number of buds per cutting showed significant results. S1T3 (Three budded cuttings under aeroponic system) recorded maximum for growth and quality parameters viz., number of primary roots (46.80), longest root length (26.90cm), root biomass (1.17g), number of shoots (6.63), longest shoot length (24.55cm), internodal length (4.27cm), plant height (44.39cm), number of leaves (16.91), leaf yield (10.79g/plant), leaf nutrient contents (N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S) (2.18, 0.49, 3.48, 0.45, 0.37 and 0.27%) and protein percentage (13.65%) whereas least was recorded by S2T1 (One budded cuttings under nursery) at 60 DAT. However, S2T3 recorded maximum leaf area (95.96cm2) and carbohydrate content (18.03%). There was no significant difference with respect to leaf moisture percentage and retention capacity after 6 hours and total chlorophyll content. From these results it can be concluded that, the aeroponic system could be effectively used for the production of V-1 mulberry saplings.EnglishPERFORMANCE OF V-1 MULBERRY SAPLINGS (Morus sp.) UNDER AEROPONIC SYSTEMThesis