SINGH, B.K.SINGH, Saurabh2021-10-062021-10-062020-11-04Singh Saurabh 2020. STUDY ON POPULATION DYNAMICS AND BIORATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) IN CHICKPEA. M.Sc. Thesis. 64p. (Cicer arietinum L.) is a major source of protein (22.5%), carbohydrates (58.9%) and fats (52%) to the vegetarian population. It also fix atmospheric nitrogen and maintain the soil in better physical condition and richer in nitrogen. Among the various factors responsible for low yield of chickpea as compared to potential yield, the losses caused by biotic and abiotic factors, out of biotic factors, insect pest are more prominent factor. The gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) is one of the major biotic constraint in increasing production and productivity of chickpea crop throughout the country. Injudicious use of pesticides against this destructive pest, further ignites the problem of resistance, resurgence and environmental and ecological imbalances. Present investigation envisaged to study on population dynamics and biorational management of H. armigera (Hubner) in chickpea. Experiments were conducted at Students Experimental farm of Banda University of Agricultural & Technology, Banda. Various observation were recorded viz. population dynamic of H. armigera, larval parasitization by C. chlorideae, effect of biorational pesticides against H. armigera, percent pod damage, yield of chickpea and cost: benefit ratio. The lowest population was recorded throughout the cropping period with 15th November date of sown crop and larval population recorded at only vegetative stage and when crop reached in reproductive stage larval population was nil. The highest percent parasitized was recorded in 49th standard week and in the month of December and population was recorded up to March. Indoxacarb is the best treatment as it exhibits lowest larval population, lowest pod damage, highest yield and highest cost: benefit ratio were recorded. It is advisable to sow the crop in the mid of November and when pest population reached at ETL, application of Indoxacarb give better result instead of bio-pesticides and subsistence phase.EnglishSTUDY ON POPULATION DYNAMICS AND BIORATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) IN CHICKPEAThesis