SIDDARAJU, RKAVYASHREE, K R2023-01-242023-01-242020-12-06Th-12797 field experiment was conducted at NSP, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru during kharif 2019 to study the influence of seedling source and method of planting on crop growth, seed yield and quality in finger millet. Experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations comprising of two seedling sources and six levels of planting geometry laid out in factorial RCBD design with three replications. Among different treatment combinations, protray seedlings transplanted at 30 x 10 cm recorded maximum plant height at 60 DAP and at harvest (100.33 and 103.80 cm, respectively) and guni method of planting at 90 x 90 cm recorded maximum number of tillers hill-1 (24.20), number of ear heads hill-1 (35.53) and ear head weight plant-1 (167.93 g). Seed yield parameters viz., seed yield plant-1(90.67g) was recorded highest in guni method of planting at 60 x 60 cm with nursery bed seedlings, whereas protray transplanted seedlings at 30 x 10 cm recorded maximum seed yield plot-1 (8.76 kg) and seed yield hectare-1 (45.14 q). Seed quality parameters was recorded maximum in guni method of planting at 60 x 60 cm with nursery bed seedlings like seed germination, SVI-I and SVI-II (96.67%, 1299 and 206, respectively). Higher net returns (Rs.1,18,564) and B:C ratio (4.38) was recorded under protray seedlings transplanted at 30 x 10 cm owing to its higher seed yield and straw yield when compared to other treatments.EnglishINFLUENCE OF SEEDLING SOURCE AND METHOD OF PLANTING ON CROP GROWTH, SEED YIELD AND QUALITY IN FINGER MILLET (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn)Thesis