Mishra, V. N.Srivastava, L. K.Shrivastava, G. K.Saxena, R. R.Ekka, Amina Anisha2019-08-262019-08-262019http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810123930A pot culture experiment was taken to study the identification of yield limiting plant nutrients based on crop response in Inceptisol and Alfisol of Surajpur district of Chhattisgarh with objectives to monitor the “yield limiting plant nutrients based on rice-response using nutrient omission technique during kharif season, 2018 and to demonstrate the optimum use of identified yield limiting nutrients and it’s comparison with farmer fertilizer practice using wheat crop” during Rabi season, 2018-19. Pot experiment was laid out under CRD with eleven treatments and three replications. The collection of two representative soil types (Inceptisol and Alfisol) from Sambhalpur village of Surajpur district were collected in bulk volume for pot study carried out at Raj Mohini Devi College of Agriculture and Research Station, Ambikapur, (CG). The main objective of the study was to monitor yield limiting crop nutrients using rice as test crop with the help of nutrient omission technique and then field demonstration was done to validate the identified limiting nutrients using wheat as a test crop and to comparr the results with farmer’s fertilizer practice during Rabi season of 2018-19. The experiment was planned with eleven treatments. First treatment consisted that received all nutrients labelled as SSNM dose and second onwards treatments were framed with sequential missing element. Based on the concept of soil reaction, Alfisol was considered for enough Ca and Mg and hence Fe and Mn element were included under treatments. Contrary to this, Inceptisol was considered for Ca and Mg application and sufficient Fe and Mn in view slightly acidic nature. The soil reaction (pH) of Inceptisol was slightly acidic (6.2) and neutral for Alfisol (6.8). Organic C, available N were recorded low, low to medium in available P and K and marginal level in S status. Other micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn were estimated in more than critical levels. Alfisol exhibited higher CEC (28.43) than that of Inceptisol (16.65 Cmol (p+) kg-1). The doses for each “nutrients were fixed in kg/ha given as N -150, P2O5 - 100, K2O - 100, S - 45, Ca -110, Mg - 50, Fe - 20, Mn - 15, Cu – 7.5, Zn – 7.5, B - 3 and Mo - 0.75.” Grain and straw yields of rice significantly reduced when N, P, and S elements were omitted from the SSNM treatment which received all nutrients. Yield reductions due to N omission were recorded in the range of 40-50% in both the soil types. Similarly; more than 33% yields were lower than SSNM treated pot when P was withdrawn from the SSNM treatment. If sulphur element was deleted from SSNM treatment then grain yield reduced in the range of 12-15 % from the maximum yield that received from SSNM treatment in both the soils under study. Omission of Zn also reduced the grain yield by 8.0 % in Alfisol. The effective tillers, filled grains per panicle and test weight and final straw yields of rice in both the representative soils under study recorded similar manner as observed with grain yields. All nutrients uptake like “N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B” were recorded to follow the trends of rice grain yields in Inceptisol and Alfisol. Yield limiting nutrients identified based on pot culture study with rice in Inceptisol were N>P>S and that in Alfisol were in the order N>P>S>Zn. The identified yield limiting nutrients were tested and validated through FLD’s with wheat crop on farmer’s field during Rabi season, 2018-19. The optimum dose (SSNM) based on results recorded as N -120, P2O5-80, K2O-50 and S-30 kg/ha in Inceptisol and the same dose of N, P, K and S along with Zn @ 5 kg/ha in Alfisol were applied using wheat crop in both the soils and final yields were compared with FPD (farmers practice dose) (80:50:20 kg/ha NPK). Wheat grain yields recorded with SSNM dose were 33-40 % higher than that with FPD. Based on these results, we can suggest to the farmer’s of Surajpur district that other than N and P application, sulphur application must also be included in their package of practices as recommended dose in both the soils. In addition to this, Zn application in Alfisol is also essential for achieving maximum crop yield.ennullIDENTIFICATION OF YIELD LIMITING PLANT NUTRIENTS BASED ON CROP RESPONSE IN INCEPTISOL AND ALFISOL OF SURAJPUR DISTRICT OF CHHATTISGARHThesis