Dr. C. P. DesaiRATHOD JAYESH JADAVBHAI2017-08-042017-08-042009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810027364No two individuals can think and behave alike in absolute terms even if provided with the same stimulus at a given point of time. The adoption of recommended plant protection measures of chilli crop may differ from individual to individual because of their differences in age, education, size of land holding, type of family, social participation and socio-economic status. Adoption of new innovations is a mental process. It involves selection of goal to be attained and also alternative means to be evaluated for their efficiency in the attainment of the selected goalsenExtension EducationStudyA STUDY ON EXTENT OF ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED PLANT PROTECTION MEASURES BY CHILLI GROWERS IN ANAND DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATEThesis