N.K. SHARMAJitesh Kumar Agarwal2019-01-252019-01-252007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810092543The total food grain production in the country has increased from a mere 50.82 million tonnes during 1950-51 to 209.2 million tonnes in 2007. All this has been possible due to adoption of good quality seeds, enhanced use of fertilizers and plant protection measures. At the state level, Rajasthan has attained the status of largest producing state for a large number of commodities like pearlmillet, mothbean, gram, groundnut, wheat, mustard, wool etc. The state has been divided into 10 agro-climatic zones and out of them, zone IIIa in which the study was conducted covers the semi-arid eastern plain of Rajasthan. The Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura (Jaipur) is functioning to cater to the research needs of this zone under the banner of Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. The important crops of the zone are pearlmillet, gram, groundnut, wheat, pea, mustard etc.ennullImpact of Major Crop Production Technologies Generated by Rajasthan Agricultural University for the Semi-Arid Eastern Plain of RajasthanThesis