Aditi MathurAkhalesh Yadav2023-10-182023-10-182022 the world’s population continues to grow, so too does the demand for agricultural crops. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important for farmers to grow more crops more efficiently. That’s where potash fertilizers come into play-they not only increase the quality of food being grown, but also boost crop yield. Farmers use various fertilizers to grow crops, but the one most common is sulphate of potash (SOP). SOP (0:0:50) is considered a premium-quality potash. It contains two key nutrients for growing crops: potassium and sulphur. Using SOP (0:0:50) both improves quality and crop yields and makes plants more resilient to drought, frost, insects and even disease. SOP (0:0:50) has been known to improve the look and taste of foods and can improve a plant’s ability to absorb essential nutrients like phosphorus and iron. Most often SOP (0:0:50) is used on high-value crops like fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, coffee and tobacco. It works better on crops that are sensitive to chloride, which can be toxic to some fruit and vegetable plants. SOP (0:0:50) is not a naturally occurring mineral, and usually must be produced through chemical methods. Because of the resource- intensive processes used to create it, SOP (0:0:50) is priced higher than MOP.EnglishMarket Analysis of Sulphate of Potash (NPK 0:0:50) and Poly Sulphate in MaharashtraThesis